Adaption Lecture Task | Fairy Tale

For the animation lecture we looked at adaptation for stories.
The story I have chosen to look into is a Greek fairy tale called ‘Kallo and the Goblins’ [Source].

The story is about a character named Kallo, a girl who had an older, ‘ugly best’ sister named Marbo. Kallo was admired by people in the village while Marbo was not and she became jealous. As Marbo had become so jealous of her younger sister, Kallo was forced to do all the work in the house.
One day their mother asks Marbo to head to the mill to grind flour but Marbo insists that Kallo go instead and so she does. She gets there however her grains are poured in as the miller is off to bed and so she has to wait.
At midnight, some Goblins show up and threaten to eat her, Kallo however insists they can’t eat her in her old dress and would need a new one, so they steal one for her. She then uses this to her advantage and states that she needs other items as well, including face powder. This lasted until dawn, and the goblins had to leave since they can’t survive in the day. The miller had woke up and Kallo was able to have her grain grounded and headed back with everything she got from the goblins and also the flour.
Marbo was still unhappy and jealous at the fact that Kallo got the flour and wastes it out of spite. Eventually more flour is needed and Marbo goes for it, she encounters the goblins also and they injur Marbo’s face after they attempted to eat her, but the Miller saves her after hearing her cry.
In the end, Kallo uses the face powder she got to heal Marbo’s face and she learns her lesson.

If I could adapt this story, I would definitely do it as a re-imagining (use the story as a voice and tell it my own way). The story is brilliant but I feel like I could change some areas, such as the length of the story and how much of the backstory for Marbo and Kallo is told so that Marbo’s jealousy is explained even better.
Since it’s a re-imagining as well I’d change the setting so its more modern day, and instead of the characters needing to go to a mill for flour, they need to instead go to an office to print or something along those lines.

2nd October Animation Lecture

Today in our lecture we watched 5 different animations all featuring different animation techniques, telling different stories, and all being for a different purpose.

Of the five animations that we watched my favourite was the one titled ‘Billy’s Balloon’ by Don Hertzfeldt.

Still from ‘Billy’s Balloon’


I loved this animation the most out of all five. Originally I thought it was going to be a really said animation at first but it ended up being hilarious, I love how slightly messed up it is and how the balloon is evil. I also loved how we gradually learn that this isn’t the only child with a phantom balloon out there, and how we’re momentarily tricked to thinking that the balloon is only joking with Billy, yet continues to bully him. The animation also kept me entertained cause it added some new, unpredictable jokes as it went on.

Don Hertzfeldt has social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter) and website links to some of his animation work, which can be found in the About section of his YouTube page.

Don has made more films. Don has worked on a Blu-Ray collection of his work, old and recent, like his most recent film ‘IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY‘, and others such as World of Tomorrow, The Meaning of Life, Rejected, Wisdom Teeth (and more listed on his website)