“I’m just sayin’.” Sketch

Trying to get started on rough sketch animation ideas while I help out other people with their projects and to just generally have more to show.
Started this animation of Rochelle kinda giving attitude… I’m going to try and voice her myself (already used a reference of myself for this)

Twirl Rough – TVPaint camera

Idea, just did key frames and sorted out the camera.
Sketch, added more in-betweens and info
Rough, figured out the characters proportions and animated secondary action on separate layers.


Thennn when I started doing tie downs I had an issue… cause I had animated the character on 2s and the camera was on 1s… the character was struggling to keep up with the camera.

Soooo I tried to move the character each frame but it looked weird, then I did some really rough extra frames… but animating this on 1s would take a very long time (Although it’d look really good)

TD CameraRender

So in the end I changed the camera parameters to be 12FPS and exported that then stretched the frames. There are some posing things to fix but they’re easily done.

Walk Cycles (Rough)

Currently working on tying down these rough walk cycles, but if I don’t finish them tomorrow evening I’m moving on to more Story Boards and Animatics of the scenes I have planned, so that I can get them sorted asap, then I can come back to cycles afterwards.
Cycles are harder for me because they mechanics have to be accurate otherwise it breaks… animating simple motions and faces is more fun I think.