Octavia Loop Sketch 2

Current progress on my Loop of Octavia.
1. Rough Sketch to get timing ok
2. Making sure the proportions area bit better tracing over the rough, I started off with the head and shoulders in order to keep the elements of squash/stretch and whatnot
3. What 2 looks like without the first rough

Still got some proportional stuff to fix (like some frames of the head/face lol) and perspective on the arms but we’ll get there. I also wanna add some monsters in, so it looks like shes actually fighting something

I did an EYE! I think

Something I’ve been really struggling to get right with sculpting is Eyes – but I clocked it I think.

Not entirely accurate but at least it LOOKS ok.

I started off using a tutorial from YouTube which… didnt help. Moving the eye over to the mesh ruined everything so I went back to the base – Used an eye anatomy reference and a couple pics of guys with similar eye shapes to Keshaun (as well as using the character sheet I made) to understand how the convex/concave thing works.

Broke it down into shapes rather than just trying to sculpt it in one go and… just why didn’t I do this before bruh I’m sleep
Just gotta do his ears, hair and clothes once I fix it up!!

Current Sheets + Sculpt Progress

Updated character sheets that I’ve made so far of Keshaun and Alejandra. Theres a few characters I want to model but not sure if I’ll have time so we’ll just see how it goes.

And here’s what I got finished on Friday of Keshaun’s sculpt. I posted these to a discord server I’m in for feedback and they all pointed out that his hips were too small and the arms needed to be wider to match the delts, so that’s what I did! Going to work on his face/head and clothes soon. All that muscle detail to just be covered by a tunic 🙃