3-Shot Movie Rough Animation (Stage 3)

Rough animation for the 3 Shot Movie. I’m not proud of the 3rd shot very much, but I don’t really have time to change it at this point. Need to get Jade cleaned so I can focus on colouring and sort out the background assets. I have them drawn but I’ll colour them after

3 Shot Wip (Stage 2)

Progress on 3 shot, changed the first shot to be more close up, because animating the background was gonna be a nightmare, and also completely removed the ‘fail shot’ to save time on the whole reloading thing… Will do the background assets on separate layers and compile in AE and that
Also theres a timing error with the way Jade enters the 2nd shot (out of no where just runs in lol) so I’ll have it so that she’s not there for like a second then runs in.
Now just need to clean her up.


3-shot WIP

My progress on shot 2 and 3 for my movie. I’m reworking shot 1 from a different angle and more close up, to avoid doing the background too much (cause thats gonna take forever).

I’m aware that the run cycles and other parts are also really messy, and I plan to fix those once I finish these roughs so I have an idea on how the timing should be. I’m a little behind where I want to be but I’ll make sure to stay on top, a lot of the background will be drawn in another program and I’ll compile it all in After Effects.

Alej Face Retopology

Some images today of the model of Alej. I fixed her face a little bit in ZBrush and retopologised her for Friday. I’ll need to re do her XGen hair sadly since the skull shape has changed, but I can do that next week.
I exported two poly counts, just in case I decide the higher res one is too complex

3-Shot Movie Plan

Did a few more drawings (or story boards) for my 3 Shot Movie where I just note down each movement for Jade in the scene.

So my plan for this week is to do the basic model for the ship in Maya, and do a really simple stepped animatic using a rig in there to get an idea of the perspective and camera movement, then do the 2D animatic based on that, hopefully by the end of the week.

Vis Dev 3-shot

My visual development for the 3-shot movie. I did these 3 drawings to get an idea of the colours I wanted in-case I do end up doing it in colour and to layout the boat. I’ll most likely do a quick SketchUp/Maya model of the boat for the perspective stuff.