Morph Practice – FlipTV

The group I’m in got picked to work on the FlipTV ident for Finger Industries. Did some animations and ideas for what the morphs would look like and for each section of the animatic.

Blogs for groupmates:

Matt –
Ash –
Rachel –
James –

2.2 Run

Finished Run cycle animation for 2.2
Tried to do a quicker more purposeful run, feel like the timing could have been a bit better. One of the main things I need to work on is splining a lot better, cause it definitely looks better when its inbetweened but isnt accurate
I feel like there also could have been a bit more assymetrical(?) or more varied in the motion

Look Dev progress

Got the lighting for the scene figured out mostly. Posed Jack in ZBrush… having some issues doing test renders with the lights in the scene/graphics in the scene (lights keep disappearing, models vanishing, adding character to the scene slowed maya down immensely also) and since alpha maps aren’t working for me as well I might skip out on adding the flowers to the scene as they most likely wont be visible anyway in the render.
I still need to do some fixing of Jack’s textures and settings, model some extras and then I’ll just render that.

Look Dev texutres

Added textures to the scene… had some issues with the alpha maps on the flowers so I’ll sculpt them instead… deadline was extended so I have another week to tweak everything.
I have the model for Jack sorted so what I’ll do once I’ve sorted out the basic lighting and material settings for the scene, I’ll pose him in ZBrush then export him out and put him in

2.2 Jump Inb. Tweak

Made some fixes/changes based on tutors advice, stopped the arm swing to the back of the body since it didn’t make sense, added some more follow through to the head/neck and got rid of the stiff spine
Feel like I still have some fixes to do but I need to inbetween my Run animation soon