Look Dev scene created

Got the base of the scene modelled and some basic Arnold presets added. Next stage I’ll light it up how I want and then finish my sculpt of Jack, I’ll figure out textures/bump maps etc after that.
I changed my idea to something different:

This time Jack will just have on shorts and flip flops (no sunglasses, not indoors lol) I want to see how well I can render skin.

Look Dev Scene Idea


Idea for Look Dev
I want to model my character Jack in his Winter outfit in a hotel lobby sitting down on his phone.
I went with this idea among the others I’d written down because I wanted to challenge myself modelling his hair texture, and if it turns out that I can’t do it I can always model him shaved.
This weekend I’m going to model him as best as I can.

Sculpt Practice

Sculpt practice of my character Mercedes… I definitely need to work some more on facial proportions/muscles.

Also some more progress on the Alex model for the ZBrush sessions. I added some basic hair and brows just to practice but I’ll be removing them when we learn the CGI hair bit and painting.