Sketch Animatic for Turn to Camera


Idea for ‘Turn to Camera’. I’m going to use the Max Rig and do some practice with the controls. He’s going to skip in happily to the scene then turn and face the camera looking very confused and say “What the hell?”.
I’m going to try and get my friend to record it when he’s free.

Progress on Characterful Walk

Here’s my walk cycle progress
I made some changes to the head and neck rotation so it’s not as harsh, still looks a little weird to me though.

Debra showed us the Motion Trail to view arcs today, and that’s something I need to work on clearly. I still feel like this could have a bit more personality in it, it’s supposed to be based off my walk.
But I will come back to this soon because I need to start on the ‘Turn to Camera’ project

Progress on Vis Dev Thumbnail

From left to right
Maya Scene: Quickly block out the scene/shapes in Maya because I’m terrible at perspective right now but I do intend to get better at it soon.
Mood board: Collection of images for the scene

And then my current progress colouring the scene in. I’ll most likely clean the lines of the background a little first before I colour it.

Vis Dev – Characters and Scene

Going from my idea last week, I did some thumbnail sketches of a scene I had of the two characters interacting and made some more refined ideas of the two characters.

In the scene, the Boss or Head Chef is yelling at the junior chef for making a hazard in the food prep (dropping a plaster that wasn’t blue).
I wasn’t happy with the design of the Junior Chef and Adam said I should try and push the shapes of the characters more.

The left is the first attempt I made at pushing the characters shapes. While the Boss turned out OK, the Junior was still really plain looking. Adam made some notes on the middle one and I refined them on the right.

So I’ll be using these characters to do the lines for the scene

Walk Key 2

Added more keys to different body parts and fixed the hip rotation when stepping so its opposite.
I made the arms bounce a little and gave the hands some follow through. Rotated the feet and knees, made the torso swing a bit too.
I’m using a video of myself walking as reference.