Idea for Project 4 #2


Here’s my idea for the character in the animation. I went in the direction of a male character because I find it easier at the moment to maintain the shape of more blocky characters when I animate, and simplified his design as much as possible so that less detail was needed. I also as you can see, didn’t create a librarian character, this guy is a construction site worker.


Because of the new purpose of the character I’ve also changed the story to fit that. He wears a helmet in the second drawing because a plank falls on his head at one point.


Here’s the new storyboard:
Character is moving a brick trolley through a construction site.
Montage of character picking up stacks of bricks –
Then stacking the bricks onto the trolley. 2 and 3 will be repeated in various shots.
Character is struggling to pull the trolley.
Character pushes trolley to an elevator/building area
Colleague walks past them and drops a bunch of planks in his hand suddenly
Character is shown struggling to walk through site with awkward pile of planks in hand.
Character trips over with planks
Character falls flat on his face and a plank then falls on his head as he sits up
Character is seen later with helmet on still struggling to carry the planks.

Push Animation tests

First attempt practicing pushing with a biped character for the Effort project. I feel like the animation was too weak, maybe the character wasn’t pushing hard enough, or that the object being pushed only needed a little shove or something.
I refined the first animation and let the character struggle a little bit by adding a few extra frames in between the push, and making them hang a little bit longer when falling down also because gravity is a thing that affects how fast some can get up :D. One critique I have is, I feel like the character should be fully facing the object from the side, maybe even put more of an exaggerated angle on the pose of the character.
Attempted another push/shove animation here, again I noticed the character gets back on their feet way too fast but I’m kind of happy with the struggling affect the push has, and the fact that the character turns around.
I allowed the character to struggle a little bit again upon getting up after pushing the object down. Maybe the quick turn around of the character wasn’t needed? I’m not too sure, but I’m OK with it so far.
A quick test to see if I can still animate characters walking, while also pushing objects.

Idea for Project 4

Here’s a quick idea I have for the 4th project ‘Demonstrating Effort’, I did a few brainstorms where I gave ideas of a bunch of awkward, heavy, unstable etc objects such as weights, stacks of objects, heavy furniture, and settled on stacks of books and things.
  1. Character is moving book trolley with relative ease
  2. – 3. Montage of character taking books off shelf and putting them in trolley
  3. ^
  4. Character is struggling to push the trolley.
  5. Character pushes trolley back to the main reception and –
  6. Colleague walks past them and throws stack of books in her hand suddenly
  7. Character is shown struggling to walk through library with awkward pile of books in arm.
  8. Character trips over with pile of books and bangs head on shelf, a book then falls on their head shortly after
  9. Character is shown holding on to the ladder and putting books on high shelves.
  10. Character is lifting up a really big and heavy book onto a desk