Project 3 Addressing an Audience | Idea – Concept


Above are my initial drawings for my first idea, which is going to be an animation aimed at primary school kids on bullying. I will do a much more detailed story board this week as well as immediately start working on the 3D models for the animation.
I’m aiming on doing a Hybrid ish animation, 3D characters, 2D animated mouths.

Addressing an Audience | Pitch Presentation

CharacterFinalDraftsHere are the final character ideas though, shouldn’t be too hard to animate 🙂

3D Overcoming Obstacles final

Here’s my final animation for the Overcoming Obstacles project (3D)
I’m OK with the results? I’m satisfied with the pulling since I learned about IK/FK handles. I’m not too happy about the movement at the end of the animation and the stiffness in some parts, but I do want to get into 3D animation and modelling so I need to practice.

Overcoming obstacles 3D playfast 2

I went ahead and made some extra changes to the 3D animation after re watching the other one and receiving some feedback from Debrah.
With the other one, the hands on the character when lifting the boulder actually sank into it at one point, and the right arm (shoulder) jumped too much. Also, the hands weren’t staying put on the boulder, and weren’t effectively emanating the sensation of ‘pulling’ or ‘struggling’. I had no idea what IK or RK handles on the rig did but they helped keep the right arm steady to lift (left arm isn’t seen so it didn’t matter). Literally had it changed in 10 minutes.
There’s many more improvements I could make to the animation, such as the tripping over at the end, and the stiffness when the character is done moving, but I’m not sure how, plus it’s almost due, so I’m going to be practicing 3D animation more definitely.

Progress on Mercedes Model

The past two weeks I’ve worked on my model of Mercedes on and off. I did a full body drawing of her from the front and side and hastily covered her up.


This is where I’m at so far… I’ve never modelled feet before and I also ended up with too much geometry to be honest (as usual…) but once I’m done with the 3D animation I’ll finish this up and model her clothes, then unwrap it etc.